from January 27th, until June 07th 2025

Your brains take no rest for the Top Culture contest!

Participate in the great general knowledge
competition on tablet or smartphone

For schools, individuals, and senior residences
7 countries through the world

An international contest

During 2 weeks, more than 7500 participants (skilled nursing facilities, independent residences, senior citizens at home, nursing homes, schools) will compete on general knowledge quizzes on tablet or smartphone. Each day, the questions are unlocked, wich you will be able to answer at any time of the day. If you are unable to answer some questions one day, no worries you can catch up the days after.


Our questions are varied and adapted to the knowledge of participants: celebrities, programs of their time, world gastronomy or historical events ...
Once the Top Culture application is installed on the tablets or smartphones, you don't need an Internet connection to answer the questions.


Follow your score live to motivate your team!
By connecting your tablet or smartphone to the internet, you will be able to see your place in the final ranking.
Several classifications will be available: by country, by category (nursing homes, home health services, schools and individuals).
In addition, groups that have globalized the event in their facilities will also have an internal ranking.

Crowd favorite price

A photo competition is also organized during the Top Culture competition.
Participants submit their most beautiful photos representing the spirit of the competition. Anyone can vote. Many Crowd Favorite Prizes will be awarded by DYNSEO and its partners.

A contest on tablet or smartphone

You can look at the ranking of your establishment here anytime.

Photo contest

Submit your pictures by sending an email to
Photo contest results will be announced on
February 7th, at 2pm (GMT +1).

Top Culture Calendar

Many prizes to win!

They have already joined the event

Previously on Top Culture