Top Culture - FAQ

Before the contest

As a professional, we have sent you your code by email. It is also possible that our email is in your junk mail. Can you check it? You can call us at +33 9 66 93 84 22 or email us at

To enter your code, you must be in the Top Culture and Top Kids app, and not in one of the COCO, CLINT or SCARLETT training programs. If you are in the right app, a pop up should open where you can enter your code.

You can go update directly from the Playstore or Appstore of your tablet, search for the "Top Culture and Top Kids" app, and if an update is available, you will be offered to update it.

It is best not to, as each tablet has a unique order of appearance for the questions.

As an institution, you respond as a team, so you have one code per team, and therefore the same tablet for all the participants. As an individual, it's one competitor account per device.

No problem, if you have already participated during previous Top Culture contests on the same tablet, you will most likely be recognized automatically. To check, just look at the home interface to see if you can see your institution's name at the top.

During the contest

Yes, you do not need Internet connection is required to answer the questions. You need the Internet to download the questions, on the first day of the contest and at the end of the contest to get the scores back on the leader board.

Questions are unlocked each day. If you cannot participate on a given day, no worries, you can catch up on your questions the following days.

After the contest

There is one last step. You have to press the circular arrow button, and then press “Update ranking”.

The questions will remain open for several more weeks, to give you time to answer all the questions. The final ranking becomes official 1 week after the end date, but the questions will remain open.